Foundation of the IG Living Emme

Aqua Viva and the Somaha Foundation are working to increase biodiversity and provide nature experiences along Swiss rivers with the IG Living River project, which was launched at the beginning of 2023. As part of this project, Aqua Viva has facilitated the foundation of the Interest Group (IG) Living Emme. The initiative brings together 13 local nature conservation and fishing organizations that are working together to increase the ecological value of the River Emme. Their goal is to restore sections of this important pre-alpine river to a near-natural state in order to promote biodiversity and improve flood protection.  

For more than 100 years, the River Emme has been straightened, canalized and dammed for settlement and agriculture. As a result of these interventions, the original habitat of many animal and plant species has been lost. Flood events in recent decades have also shown that the river needs more space so that there is no renewed danger to the population. 

The IG Living Emme is working with municipalities, local authorities and residents to gradually restore the natural dynamics of the Emme. Over the next few years, numerous projects will be implemented along the River Emme to sustainably improve the river’s appearance and ecological quality. The focus will be on an increased connectivity of the water course system, projects to increase the Emme's climate resilience, and measures to coordinate nature conservation and local recreation. Aqua Viva supports the participating organizations with content-related and organizational issues.  

Further information about the project can be found on the IG Living Emme website.  

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Images: ©Jan Ryser