New nature protection projects

In the funding of individual projects, Somaha Foundation focuses primarily on young organizations with new, innovative ideas. In the theme nature protection the following projects are being newly supported or their funding is being extended:

proQuercus - Assisted seeding for resilient oak forests (new) 

Oak trees are crucial for biodiversity as they provide habitat for many species and can withstand drought and heat. The proQuercus association promotes the spread of oaks through the jay by setting up open boxes with an artificially created acorn supply. The jay selects healthy acorns and hides them in suitable places where they can germinate optimally, thus promoting the development of near-natural forests.  

With the support of Somaha Foundation, 20 jay projects will be implemented in 20 forestry operations over the five-year project period. The population will be involved through action days to raise awareness of the importance of forest biodiversity and natural forest processes.  

More information about the project can be found on the proQuercus website.  

ARC - Mobile Autonomous Recycling Container (ongoing) 

Plastic waste in water bodies is a global problem with devastating effects on the environment. ARC develops technical systems to analyze and sort extracted waste from water bodies.  

With the support of Somaha Foundation, the Mobile Autonomous Recycling Container (MARC) is being further developed. MARC is an autonomous waste sorting station built within a shipping container for easier transportation. The system analyzes extracted waste from water bodies and sorts it according to different materials for recycling. Specifically, the software and hardware are being improved to increase the accuracy of image recognition and the movements of the robot’s gripper arms. A new suction gripper will also be installed to improve material sorting. 

More information about the project can be found on the ARC website.   

_K8A8688_Eichen Verjuengungshieb_Foto_Martin Schuck

Image: proQuercus - Oak regeneration cut ©Martin Schuck 




Image: ARC – The inside of the mobile autonomous recycling container ©Martin Löffel