WebApp for the classroom

As part of the BioDivSchool-WebApp project, the St.Gallen University of Teacher Education (PHSG), together with GLOBE Switzerland and Pusch Foundation, developed a WebApp that enables students to independently analyze the potential and state of biodiversity on their school campus. Based on the results of the analysis, appropriate measures to increase biodiversity can be developed and implemented locally.

The BioDivSchool WebApp enables school classes to explore the importance of biodiversity in a hands-on way. Teachers have free access to the following resources:

  • Lesson plans on the topic of biodiversity
  • Lesson and solution dossiers for students
  • Guidelines for creating a nature-friendly school campus
  • Background information and further links
  • Training courses on biodiversity and the WebApp for teachers


Further information on the training courses, teaching materials and the access to the WebApp can be found on the BioDivSchool website (GLOBE).

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