Retrospect of the SOMAHA ROUND

The 2nd SOMAHA ROUND was almost entirely devoted to impact investing. Following the presentation of the newly founded impact investing organization Balim Investments AG (BALIM), there was a lively exchange with the founders of BALIM - HEKS, iGravity and the Somaha Foundation - as well as between the various funding partners. BALIM aims to strengthen local communities and improve their framework conditions by financing SMEs in rural regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on agriculture.

However, the funding partners of the Foundation were at the centre of the event. The SOMAHA ROUND was created to thank the institutional funding partners for their collaboration with the foundation in an inspiring setting. Many thanks again to Aqua Viva, Brainforest, Helvetas, PeaceNexus, AsyLex, Terre des hommes and the Swiss Red Cross.

You can hear more about BALIM at the Swiss Foundation Symposium 2024 of Swiss-Foundations in the session Connect to Invest - Innovative Partnerships for Impact Investing on 12 September in Sursee.

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