Submit funding request

We are open to new pro­ject ideas. Curr­ently, we are only accep­ting appli­ca­ti­ons for fun­ding for indi­vi­dual pro­jects in the theme of nature pro­tec­tion. The focus is pri­ma­rily on young orga­niza­ti­ons with new, inno­va­tive ideas. The foun­da­tion only enters multi-year part­ner­ships on its own initia­tive.

Preliminary clarification

Before app­ly­ing, please check whe­ther your pro­ject fits into the fun­ding theme of nature pro­tec­tion and ful­fills the fun­ding cri­te­ria and the fun­ding prin­ci­ples. You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion in the FAQs. If you need cla­ri­fi­ca­tion or have ques­ti­ons, cont­act us directly: We ans­wer tele­phone queries on Tues­days and Thurs­days bet­ween 14:30 and 16:30 (044 545 18 10).

Submit funding request

A fun­ding request to Somaha Foun­da­tion can be sub­mit­ted as fol­lows:

  • As a first step, sub­mit a pro­ject descrip­tion of no more than two pages with the most important infor­ma­tion (pro­ject sum­mary, needs, objec­ti­ves, timeline/milestones and budget/financing) to The pro­ject will then be reviewed by Somaha Foun­da­tion against its fun­ding cri­te­ria.
  • You will be invi­ted to sub­mit a full fun­ding request using the online form if the pro­ject is eli­gi­ble with the Somaha fun­ding cri­te­ria. Fun­ding requests recei­ved unso­li­ci­ted by mail or e‑mail will not be reviewed, and no cor­re­spon­dence will be pro­vi­ded.

If you use the online form, we recom­mend that you sub­mit your fun­ding request all at once. Optio­nally, you can buf­fer your appli­ca­tion over two weeks.


Fun­ding requests may be sub­mit­ted con­ti­nuously. The Somaha office team will carefully review your appli­ca­tion. It may take up to four months before the final fun­ding decis­ion is made by the Board of Trus­tees.

We look for­ward to recei­ving your fun­ding request!