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Rights in Exile: platform for refugees

AsyLex has taken over the manage­ment and fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the inno­va­tive, tech­no­logy-dri­ven «Rights in Exile Plat­form».

Seasonal greetings from Somaha Foundation!

Somaha Foun­da­tion wis­hes you happy holi­days and looks back on an eventful year.

New nature protection projects

Somaha Foun­da­tion is com­mit­ted to streng­thening local orga­niza­ti­ons in multi-year part­ner­ships. The Foun­da­tion also sup­ports indi­vi­dual pro­jects in the theme nature pro­tec­tion. The fol­lo­wing nature pro­tec­tion pro­jects are now being sup­ported:

Foundation of the IG Living Emme

As part of the «IG Living River» pro­ject the «IG Living Emme» has been foun­ded.

New «Platform — Biodiversity» — Call for cooperation

Tog­e­ther with Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons and Stif­tung­S­chweiz, Somaha Foun­da­tion has now laun­ched the new Plat­form – Bio­di­ver­sity.

Balim Investments at the SwissFoundations Symposium 2024

It was a plea­sure to pre­sent impact inves­t­ing at this year’s Swiss­Foun­da­ti­ons Sym­po­sium 2024 using the spe­ci­fic exam­ple of Balim Invest­ments (BALIM).

New nature protection projects

Somaha Foun­da­tion sup­ports two new indi­vi­dual pro­jects in the theme nature pro­tec­tion.

Change in the Board of Trustees

We are deligh­ted to wel­come Jörg Gas­ser as a new mem­ber of the Board of Trus­tees.

Project ideas wanted: together for Biodiversity Promotion Areas

Somaha Foun­da­tion is loo­king for inno­va­tive and spe­ci­fic pro­ject ideas for the net­wor­king of Bio­di­ver­sity Pro­mo­tion Areas.

Interview with the founding partners of BALIM

In an inter­view, the foun­ding part­ners of BALIM — iGra­vity, HEKS and the Somaha Foun­da­tion — talk about the vision and goals of this initia­tive.

Terre des hommes Partnership and Localization Policy

Terre des hom­mes (Tdh) deve­lo­ped its Part­ner­ship and Loca­liza­tion Policy in 2024, which defi­nes the orga­niza­tion-wide frame­work for col­la­bo­ra­ting with local and natio­nal part­ners.

Wild Pastures — The Untapped Biodiversity Potential of Switzerland

The aim of the Wild Pas­tu­res Switz­er­land asso­cia­tion is to initiate and secure the large-scale, year-round exten­si­vely used pas­tu­res in Switz­er­land.

Partnership with Swiss Biodiversity Forum

We are plea­sed to announce a new multi-year part­ner­ship with the Swiss Bio­di­ver­sity Forum on the theme nature pro­tec­tion.

Impact investing as a funding method

Somaha Foun­da­tion is active in the field of impact inves­t­ing. Tog­e­ther with two part­ner orga­niza­ti­ons, it has deve­lo­ped the foun­da­ti­ons for the estab­lish­ment of Balim Invest­ments AG.

Retrospect of the SOMAHA ROUND

The 2nd SOMAHA ROUND took place on the topic of impact inves­t­ing.

Somaha Annual Report 2023 is available

We are deligh­ted to pre­sent the Somaha Annual Report 2023

Biodiversity. Now! Creating near-natural areas together

The Bio­di­ver­sity. Now! asso­cia­tion aims to pro­mote bio­di­ver­sity by enhan­cing near-natu­ral areas in urban envi­ron­ments.

Localization: Terre des hommes’ situation analysis

As part of its 2021–2024 stra­tegy, Terre des hom­mes (Tdh) is crea­ting an insti­tu­tio­nal-ized frame­work to deve­lop its part­ner­ship and loca­liza­tion approach.

Information platform on localization: LocalLink Hub

Terre des hom­mes has laun­ched Local­L­ink Hub — an infor­ma­tive open-access plat­form on loca­liza­tion.

Biodiversity in the hazelnut plantation

The final report Ver­gleich der Arten­viel­falt einer Hasel­nuss­plan­tage mit zwei Ver­gleichs­flä­chen of the hazel­nut pro­ject initia­ted by Crowd Con­tai­ner has been published.

WebApp for the classroom

The Bio­Div­School Web­App enables stu­dents to ana­lyze the poten­tial and state of bio­di­ver­sity on their school cam­pus.

Transparent and effective governance: Helvetas Knowledge Series

As part of the Hel­ve­tas Moving Gover­nance pro­gram, the first two know­ledge pro­ducts on the expe­ri­en­ces gai­ned, ana­ly­ses and working approa­ches have been published.

Experience wildlife in the living night

The nati­on­wide Living Night pro­ject uses report­ing plat­forms to raise awa­re­ness of cre­pus­cu­lar and noc­turnal wild­life and the eco­lo­gi­cal impact of arti­fi­cial light at night.

Partnership with PeaceNexus

We are very plea­sed to announce a new multi-year part­ner­ship with Pea­ceNexus on the theme open and diverse society.

6 leverage points against biodiversity loss

Using a sys­tems-based approach, the Bra­in­fo­rest Bio­di­ver­sity Lab, tog­e­ther with around 40 stake­hol­ders, has iden­ti­fied six leverage points against bio­di­ver­sity loss in rain­fo­rests.

Season’s greetings from Somaha Foundation!

Somaha Foun­da­tion looks back on an eventful year and thanks its fun­ding part­ners for their part­ner­ship.

First knowledge product: AsyLex Global Map

The inter­ac­tive world map crea­ted by AsyLex Glo­bal shows the inter­na­tio­nal human rights mecha­nisms available to indi­vi­du­als in each coun­try.

Project ideas wanted: together against invasive species

Somaha Foun­da­tion is loo­king for inno­va­tive and spe­ci­fic pro­ject ideas to pre­vent and com­bat inva­sive spe­cies and to raise awa­re­ness about the issue

Many thanks to our funding partners

Many thanks to our fun­ding part­ners for their ongo­ing and glo­bal com­mit­ment.

Localization as a funding concept

Somaha Foun­da­tion is working inten­si­vely on the topic of loca­liza­tion.

Retrospect of the first SOMAHA ROUND

Somaha Foun­da­tion hos­ted the 1st SOMAHA ROUND — an exch­ange plat­form for part­ners of the foun­da­tion.

Reducing plastic waste in waters thanks to robotics

The Auto­no­mous River Cle­a­nup (ARC) pro­ject aims to reduce pla­s­tic waste in water­ways world­wide using robo­tics and machine lear­ning.